
You should brush your teeth for 2-3 minutes, twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Always choose a soft-bristled brush and place the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gums and teeth. Use gentle pressure during brushing of teeth. Brush the outer surfaces, the inner surfaces, and the chewing surfaces of the teeth. Brush your tongue to remove bacteria and keep your breath fresh.

During braces treatment it is better to avoid

  1. Crunchy foods — popcorn, chips, ice.
  2. Sticky foods — caramel candies, chewing gum.
  3. Hard foods — nuts, hard candies. Foods that require biting into — corn on the cob, apples and carrots.

You can get braces treatment at any age after eruption of permanent teeth i.e. after 12-13 years. There is no age limit for braces. You can get braces at any age with adequate gum and bone support for teeth.

Metal braces, ceramic braces, self ligation braces, aligners, lingual braces

Bleeding of gums occur mostly due to inflammation of gums which can be treated with teeth scaling or cleaning


  • Use gauze to promote clotting and stop bleeding 
  • Use ice packs for pain and swelling
  • Eat soft foods 
  • Take your prescribed medications


  • Smoking
  • Avoid using straws 
  • Avoid rinsing your mouth 
  • Avoid blowing your nose or sneezing

Duration of braces treatment depends on teeth problem and age of the inviduals. Treatment time ranges from 6 months to 2 years for various malocclusions.

Duration of braces treatment depends on teeth problem and age of the inviduals. Treatment time ranges from 6 months to 2 years for various malocclusions.

Yes it is mandatory to wear retainers after removal of braces otherwise teeth might shift to previous position. Duration of retainer wear is advised by your orthodontist..

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